Quran Hifz Program Kids

Quran Hifz Program For Kids.

This course is designed to help students memorize the Holy Qur’an. It starts with Juzz Amma and Juzz Tabarak, eventually progressing to the entire Quran. Through personalized One-on-One classes, our team of experienced Huffaz with Ijaza create tailored plans to suit each student’s learning aptitude, working towards the goal of memorizing the words of Allah.

you’ll learn:

  • Learn the 4 techniques of fast Hifz
  • Learn the forgetfulness types and how can you solve these problems
  • Increasing your memory abilities.
  • Quantum reading technique
  • Scan reading technique
  • Deep memorization
  • Advantages of Quran recitation by heart
  •  Importance of becoming Hafiz/Hafiza

Kuttab Online Tutoring

Quran Hifz Program Kids
Quran Online

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